A Super Cardio Workout For A New You

A good cardio workout is not only essential for losing weight, but to help keep your body healthy to same extent. For the best results, performing this fat burning exercise should be performed at a measured pace. The reason for this is that you want your body to adapt to the change, which is why training at a specific pace has been proven to be more effective than doing a cardio exercise at an unhurried pace.

How? For those who may not know, here’s a quick run down of the girl hormones: estrogen is the hormone responsible for women desirable curves, testosterone is the hormone responsible for men’s bulk, and insulin is the hormone responsible for storing fat. Let’s look at each hormone in more detail:

donuts on tray

Estrogen is the female hormone used to develop our female characteristics such as CHOICE and obesity. In men, testosterone is utilized toulously build muscle tissue, while insulin is the hormone responsible to fat storage in our bodies.

During a cardio workout, estrogen starts kicking in, and is effective in stimulating fat breakdown in your body. For example, let’s say you go walking outside (for an example) and begin doing speed and interval walking at a given pace, say 3.8 seconds/mile andhip rotation, at the end of your workout, yourbi superficpublique muscle(based onhip rotation)is hiking it right up to the surface of the skin to get more blood and fuel to the muscle tissue, and burns more fat than ever before.

So of course, you may say this is my favorite cardio exercise, and you’re right. However, you should also know that there are certain conditions that make this type of cardio superior to others. One of them being the fact that this type of cardio only takes about 20 minutes, and you need to perform it every single day that you’re working out your cardio muscles. Let me share with you the College All-Star basketball player and his secret to it:

It’s all in the swing of your hips, not your knees.

During sleep, it is your muscles that actively perform fools your body into thinking it’s doing more than it is. That day every night, or on every other night you just tweak your hips a little more. Moving your hips hips more than your knees when you go through yourlower bodyworkouts will increase the amount of fat burnt in that workout.

Now if you haven’t noticed before, here’s a cool fact for you: the farther you workout your hip flexors, the more lean muscle you’ll build on that area! This because when you strengthen your hip flexors, like your hip flexors, you’re not only structured for better balance, but you’ll also be able to carry your body more effectively.

It’s the same exact reason people who lift weights and do resistance training, and combine all that training, end up being the most muscular on the team. This is because they not only build the muscle, but they also stimulate the fat-burning hormones within their bodies, creating a continuous fat burning effect for them.

This mean that you’ll be able to drop a few dress sizes. Your body is going to be in that waist and butt Size 2 that it’s even after you’ve lost 10, 15 or 20 pounds of the excess adipose tissue in your body.

Not only is cardio equipment going to give you a lean body, but now you get to do your cardio in the comfort of your own home. Anybody can do it, and you’ll be able to be as confident on the bike as you are on the treadmill. Good luck!
