Does Bottled Water Really Protect Your Health Against Drugs In Tap Water?

Do you buy bottled water because you worry about the water that comes out of your own faucet? Have you read stories about drugs in tap water and want to protect your family? If so, you should read this article. I have some important information about the water that comes out of your own faucet.

It might surprise you to learn that the water that comes out of your own faucet is actually regulated by the same government agencies that ensure the quality of our tap water is safe. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) controls the distribution of water in the public water systems in the country. They also test the water to make sure that it is safe. They not only test for the heavy metals that are found in many municipal water supplies, but they also test for bacterial and chemical contaminants.

green and yellow pineapple placed on brown wooden pallet bench

Just what is in tap water that causes cancer in our drinking water?rogen and chlorine. Both of these are orange clusters that are dissolved in the water along with other chemicals. Heavy metals have been found in tap water in as many as 29 major metropolitan areas. Some of the sulfurous compounds that are found in tap water are:

1. Chlorine:Can be found in effluent from cattle, poultry, and fish. It is also added to our drinking water supply as a disinfectant. The EPA says that there is no evidence that chlorine can cause cancer. While I understand that point, I disagree.

2. Chlorine (bleach):This is added to our drinking water supply by the chlorine Corporation. There is also Lindera, a chlorinated byproducts that is bottled for disinfection purposes. These disinfection byproducts contain a lot of respiratory irritation. Facts for a current year obtained from the EPA website states that showering and bathing produce half the chlorination sodium chlorophosphate. This type of chemical is toxic to insects and is used to disinfect our drinking water.

3.uates: The disinfection byproducts of one of our pharmaceuticals, drugs, and poisonous toxins such as lead, mercury, chlorine,shows up in our drinking water. The drugs are layers of toxins that combine with the disinfection byproducts to form carcinogen(Epstein-Barr).

4. Prohalphine:writing in the margin of a 2000 study by the Journal of Community Health found that while state requirements for the pharmaceuticals were met, 25% of water supplies in the country were not. This caused the J.D. study to be inconclusive. The EPA says that while some disinfection byproducts present in our drinking water are definitely for everyone, that some byproducts are not regulated for use in drinking water.

5. Chlorine: Can cause brain and other organ damage. The decision of whether to add chlorine to drinking water is one everyone needs to have. Chlorine does break down some drinking water chemicals, but studies by the EPA and other medical Researchers show that small amounts do not pose health risks. The risk of cancer, however, is still possible.

sixth, and last is, there is no regulation to remove regulated byproducts from drinking water. This means that individual communities may not have the ability to remove these chemicals from drinking water, and as such it must still be tested for them. Since some of you out there might not believe that this is true, let me give you a fact to consider. When chlorine dissipates or sublimates it can escape from the bottle. It floats and eventually pours itself into the water underneath.

Now that you are armed with this information, realize that D.C. is already in the middle of a water fight. Might as well, right?

Ask yourself, is tap water cleaner than bottled water sold at stores? Did communities ever build effective water filtration systems to remove the byproducts of THMs in drinking water? The answer is yes, and we are paying for it.

These are the 6 important reasons that everyone needs to have an effective water filtration system. If you are reading this article then I know what your thinking about water. You are probably one of the many people out there that has decided to do what it takes to protect themselves from the harmful effects of what is in your tap water.

We care about our health and we don’t want to take chances with our family’s health. We would rather have the option of using a filter that does the job for us instead of drinking from the tap.

Although these 6 points are not an exhaustive list they are an reasonable sample of the many issues with D.C.’s water. It doesn’t get any better than that.

It’s unfortunate that this article hits so close to home for me.

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