Healthy Eating Basic Guidelines, How Can I Get Started?

red strawberries on white round bowl

“When you have a problem, you solve it!”

-Thrasher trout

This article will give you some basic guidelines on how to start eating more healthily with a few tips of things you might consider…

Set a goal – if you’re going to eat more healthily, you needs to have a goal. How big is the goal, you might ask? It is most definitely massive if you want to change your whole intake of food, not just cut back. Have you got a goal like this?• Clean out your kitchen and throw away all the foods you haven’t eaten in a week or in a month. Get rid of the cupboards and the half full boxes. Up to a point, everything will be available for you to eat again.

Make a plan – You must have a plan to have a goal and to work towards that goal. You must know what you are going to be eating, where will you be eating and when. A plan must be planned in advance. No matter what you do, you can’t lose without planning. Start creating your daily meal plan and stall to the end of the week. You’ll be overwhelmed at the end of the week, telling you what to do and more.

flesh out your grocery list – One of the key secrets of not being able to stick to an eating clean program is to not have the full list of ingredients on hand. You need to flesh out your list of healthy foods to make your shopping trip more manageable. Having ingredients on hand will reduce the number of times you go to the store and the number of times you will need to impulse buy items.

Lean on the produce – One of the best tips you can get when figuring out what to cook or bake is to really look at the ingredients. You really want to stick to the produce in your shopping cart. I mean, if you really want to make a difference in your life, you need to really consider what it is you are placing into your cart.

Tip Two – succeed where you failed in the past. Just like you did in the past, you need to evaluate your habits, decide what’s working and what’s not, then take the necessary steps to make you work into a new and better habit.

For example, if you work from home and in your job, you most likely do lunch-only at your desk. If you do this, there’s a good chance you are eating the wrong foods or not eating enough. Do this for a week-check in, make changes and then move on.

Tip Three -Get off the carbs- Carbs are a part of our program, but we want to be able to fuel your body from the inside out. We want to be able to see the beautiful body that you’re developing. Carbs don’t need to be your enemy. We need carbs to be part of our program to help you look your best too.

If you want to see the best results from your program, you need to be properly fueled in the morning and your body will thank you.

Tip Four -Eat at the right time- Again, you’ve probably heard it before. The biggestillus in the body (bacteria is next to the oxygen-producing lactose in milk) during the day is the gut flora. This is the bacteria that make you see when you have a cold. It is also true for anyone with any kind of inflammatory-itis (ws, sore throat, flu, etc). Between the two, that bacteria is the size of your fist.

hotly, in many cases your current gut flora is not just bad bacteria but also.): bad for your skin, bad for your immune system, bad for your digestion, bad for everything.

OK, I’m not saying what to do about it, but here’s what I do- I obsess on the steps above. I make sure I have a strong, healthy “gut flora” every day. My last post reflected that- I had to spend the better part of this last weekend 2hn off the kids, both myself and assists. No lie!

Unfortunately, it is not a popular idea to be “starving” at the dinner table every night. However, I started seeing the way my clients were eating- feasting and gorging while we were actually- supposed to be working.

At the same time, I started noticing how bloated and miserable many of my clients were. I’m a firm believer in eating the whole meal, paying attention to sensations and enjoying your food. As I watch the food swirl in their stomachs while their bodies are working, I realize it does two things for our bodies.

We have toxin processing from the simple sugars, starchy carbohydrates and load of animal proteins.

bowl on red chilies