Shopping For Your Essential Fatty Acids

The body is capable of synthesizing fats and converting to energy in the body. That’s one of the reasons that we can survive when our environment is in a state of scarcity, when there are war zones in the world. When we are living in these areas, our bodies are forced to play the role of energyifiers.

The problem is, we want to have more energy than that. And the only way to have more is to feed our bodies with more and more essential fatty acids. Essential fatty acids are the best way to do this.

black fruit close up photo

The most common of these essential fatty acids that the body requires are EPA and DHA. These two acids are also known as omega 3 and omega 6 EFAs. To simplify these two, I will refer to them as n-3 and n-6 EFAs.

DHA can be obtained from fish andarine oil, and EPA can be obtained from certain plants. However, the greater function of these n-3 and n-6 EFAs is that they provide the brain and heart with their most basic building blocks. When combined, n-3 EFAs are more powerful than n-6 EFAs.

Below is a list of the most notable foods that are known to be rich in these types of EFAs.

The next time you are wondering what to have for lunch, consider making an effort to add some of these foods to your healthy lunch menu. You immune system will thank you for it.

Everyone should be making an effort to eat at least 3 different fruits and veggies worth a Franciscoiflower every day. Have some at each and every meal.

You should limit your intake of white flour products and sugary treats like cookies and cakes. Instead eat whole grain goodies like pretzels, tortillas, and whole grain breads.

You need to make sure that you get plenty of fruits and veggies into your system everyday. One way to do this without a lot of dishes to wash and a lot of preparation time is to keep them in a tight plastic container with a good twist top lid. This is especially good for your brain and your heart.

When preparing your meals, try to avoid thawing foods like green beans in the microwave. If you do make them, keep the portion sizes small as most people find after eating them they are full up.

Your favorite green veggie mix is easy to prepare. Just take some spinach, add a onion or two, some cucumber, add some alfalfa sprouts, maybe a sprig of parsley, and you are done. This is a great way to get 3 or 4 servings of vegetables in one meal. The sprig of parsley adds a little bit of flavor to it.

Another great source of non-starchy veggie veggies are your garden eggs or your local farmer’s market. They might not have a lot of variety, but they will have some non-starchy veggies. Vary your veggies, and you will get a lot of nutrients.

You should also avoid canned soups that you get in the produce or refrigerated section because these are normally loaded with salt and sugar. Eat your canned soup or freeze it for later.

One type of starchy veggie that is very good for you is sweet potatoes. You will probably have to peel them, although it is recommended that you eat them. Sweet potatoes are loaded with vitamin A, fiber, and some vitamin C.

Eating these type of veggies will add a lot of flavor to your meals. When preparing your meals, you can either add them right into the sauce, or, if they are pre-cooked you can eat them without any preparation. When eating them, keep your eye out for combinations you can use them with. Some vegetables and fruits mix very well, while others don’t. You might try a few combinations, and then customize your meals from there.

One easy way to change up the flavor and nutrients you get from a veggie or fruit is by changing the way you cook it. Carrots and potatoes are very sweet when baked, while pears and cauliflower need a bit of a kick to stay healthy. You can tell what combinations you will try by the color of your vegetables.

When making your meals, you still want to go natural as possible. No need to use a high fryer or an electric microwavable Stir-fry, just stick to cold, steam, or saute in your bowl with your bare kitchen tools. If you need your veggie meals to taste different than their original versions, you can blend them up with spices as you cook. Instead of potato chips, you can use oven-rare tomatoes, peppers, and a dash of onion powder to create healthy veggie chips for kids. Your meals don’t have to taste bland, unhealthy, or overcooked to be nutritious and healthy.
