Ever wonder why it seems almost impossible to lose weight and beat the bulge? There are several reasons, so let’s take a look at a few of them.
Are you spending an outrageous amount of money on weight loss supplements, fat burning foods and other weight loss strategies?
The answer lies in the number of calories you are eating while thinking you are eating “healthy.”
Let me explain. In order to lose weight, you need to lower the number of calories you are digesting while increasing the number of calories you are Burning. This is a very difficult thing to do for several reasons.
Let’s say you are eating a 1800 calorie diet, and you counted for 3500 calories to be burned. Well, the next & last thing you do is to go on a 20 minute walk. While this will burn calories in the short term, what do you think happens when the walk is over?
Did you say you were going to walk for 20 minutes? No problem, you can have the food you ate or whatever you got at the store. But, if you continue to eat and walk for 20 minutes, you are stilleating a 1800 calorie diet.
20 minutes is up to youMost people experiment with fasting. Once you start it, you can not go the rest of the day without food. You willExperiment with a fast diuretic such as Xenical, once you start fasting. These diuretics will make your kidneys work extra hard and some will give you Strenuous action.
20 minutes is an arbitrary numberMost of the people who have tried fasting say that it takes between 20 and 30 minutes to feel the effects of fasting. That is thenat 20 minutes to get the effects of fasting, then you will get the second half of the day to sleep, work, etc.depending on individual response. You can refer to the resource below which is a list of food and what time they should be eaten.
20 minutes is not necessarily a magical numberYou have to remember that 20 minutes may be an arbitrary number. For example, some say you should start fasting at 10 minutes, but that might be too rigid for some.
You should start reading thehttp://www.sacredchocolate.com/faq sectionwhich will have a lot of good information about the forbidden foods.
20 minutes is supposed to be the time you decide to end your fasting.Whatever you decide, you have to be true to yourself. If you are doing it to look good for the social event, then you can cheat. But if you are doing it because you want to lose weight, then you will need to be have the proper commitment from yourself.
To make it easier to stick to your decision, resolve in your mind that you will adhere to it. You will need strong reasons to make you have a good reason to do as I say in the beginning of this article. You don’t just wake up one day and decide to do this. Strong reasons will help you stick to this resolution.
I know what you are thinking, I can already hear you say Yes to my offer, but how can I manage this? It is possible to drink a lot of water during the day time, and you will probably find yourself lacking in water, until it is time tohour later. Instead of having to go drink a lot of water, ingest a Squat Bar because you know it is going to make you feel better.
Squats are special because they are one of the few nutrition bars that gives you a lot of protein (usually about 20 grams) and in a sticky gel that is good for you and your diet. You can eat them in any way you want without changing anything else in your diet. The benefits of the Squat Bar are:
Myth: you must eat during the day, in order to get nutrition into your system.
FACT: you can get good nutrition into your body, even during the day time. Just have a few pre-packaged meals ready so that you can take them to work, and you would have a good supply of stable energy during the day.
Myth: to lose weight, you must starve yourself.
FACT: starving is not healthy. If you want to lose weight, you do not have to starve yourself. When you starve yourself, you are sending your body into a crisis state in which it will possibly cause you to lose muscle mass and your immune system will go from being top-notch to having a case of the sniffles. What you do want to do is take it a little at a time and give it time to adjust to this new way of eating.