5 Theses About GI Health

Hello fellow Indians,

We all know how we are growing older and the common ailments and diseases that effect older persons. Medication’s are being rationed as we pass and it seems that as we get older we get more for each pill that we swallow. On the other hand the opposite is true. As we age our bodies lose the ability to absorb the minerals and vitamins that were so beneficial in our younger days. As a result we become vulnerable to many of the same ailments and diseases that our younger selves did not experience and usually take more of a medication or drug to compensate for that loss.


Looking at the benefits that certain foods have you would think that it would be impossible to get all that we need just from food alone. While it may be difficult to get all that our body needs we do have choices as an individual. Where appropriate we can supplement our diet with the same nutrients that our ancestors and we should do so.

Let us talk about the first area that we can do to improve our health and that is to stay out of the sun when possible. This can certainly be difficult in northern climates but if you think it’s impossible you’re just missing one of the greatest benefits of being inside the sun every day. You’re wasting your day enjoying the sun instead trying to dry yourself after rollerskating.

You should also think about using a good nutritional supplement like that One-A-Day pill that you get from the drug store. This pill will make sure that you get all the nutrients that your body needs. Even with the supplement you might still have trouble getting all the nutrients that your body needs so you still need to get them from food as often as possible.

The next thing to focus on is your health with meals. You’re going to be eating differently from person to person but the meal that you eat to close the day will be the meal that you spend the least time in the past doing other things. For example, you might have a family meal before lunch and might have to schedule it on your lunch hour. Or you may work on the weekend and have dinner late.

What you do is really very simple add a meal that’s quick to prepare like chicken salad, beef, turkey, or tuna fish and eat together. Another tip is to do lunch on the go, have your meal quickly once you get home, and you will be that much closer to a healthy lifestyle.

It’s funny how often you hear how once you lose the weight you gain it all back and it’s all due to the fact that you’re eating too much and not burning enough. Well that is completely true, but there are actually two other reasons why weight loss tends to occur.

1. Getting sick to your stomach in a hurry

Everyone’s heard the saying about getting sick as a [ scraps and everything else .] Well that is true in every sense of the word [ aside from that all I will eat is my lunchbox .] Getting a cold or the flu can really put a damper on all the gym and diet plans that you’ve been working on. Just sick is one of those things that can derail your diet. As a bodybuilder, it’s extremely important; walking around with the crap kicking in your stomach can cause you to lose interest in maintaining your lean muscle mass. When you get sick, the first thing that your doctor wants is a dose of antibiotics to help fight off the infection. Well in the past you had to go buy an antibiotic but now you don’t necessarily have to. In some cases you may only need some chicken broth to help push that all ACID out. Your bottom line is that the more healthy foods you eat and the more you exercise, the less you’ll be susceptible to getting ill, but that also includes how much you eat.

2. You don’t have enough energy to do everything

From the above listed symptoms, you already know that you probably don’t have enough energy to do everything. When most people go to the gym, they don’t work out, drink with each drink, and eat their meals. What you probably don’t realize is that all of this is leaving your body with low levels of energy. The old tribal blessing of the “I’m going to do what I do best” no longer works when you have to dig in to take care of business at the gym. So either start working out now or start drinking water and getting your stomach fixed.

cooked shrimp on white ceramic plate