Hello, I'm Eva Green, and I'm so happy to share my passion for food with you. I'm not really a professional chef, but cooking with fresh greens is my passion. For me, it's the perfect way to spend some time in the kitchen, gathering all the ingredients together to create something unique and tasty. Cooking for me is an opportunity to express myself creatively, but most of all is a relaxing activity that makes me feel good!
I love preparing different dishes using only organic ingredients (where possible) and letting my creative juices flow freely. That's why I love experimenting with new recipes and flavors. I think it's essential to know what you eat and where it comes from.
It appears that today’s diner wants a little more than just food on a plate. As with the traditional pig-basket picnic basket, the contemporary diner wants to be able …
Pure water, in simple terms, is water without any added minerals or chemicals. However, in our quest for pure water, we often hear people refer to other types of …
In this article, Brinsley delves into the world of cookies and adds a few more cookies to the mix. Are you an infatuated cookie eater? If you are interested …
There are two major cold and flu seasons that we go through each year. A child or adult gets a cold through sneezing, coughing, breathing and perhaps running to …
The chilly season is well upon us, and we are all ready to fix ourselves a hearty meal. Once the weather begins to look better, we are all fully …
As lobster and romance go together, this is a surprising combination. Many of us think of lobster and romance as an unhealthy conjunction. But lobster meat is low in …
Popcorn is one of those guilty pleasures that’s hard to give up. Many times when you walk into a movie theater you’ll notice a small stand full of popcorn …
What is more important to your bones than calcium? More importantly, what is the best natural source of calcium that you can easily get from nature? When you look …
Stress is a serious thing, but did you know that a simple breakfast Mistake can lead to Stress? It’s 1 am, and you’re already stressed out. You have class, …
Some restaurants are taking extraordinary meals and offering them to their patrons. What is extraordinary about these Listen as you Eat restaurants is that they are opening restaurants that …
Lactose intolerance is one of the most common reasons for depriving oneself of desserts. Aside from the fact that it is quite difficult to enjoy most sweets without the …
All women lose or gain a few pounds throughout their lives. Women have more breading than men, and you dress to cover your body in aricles and waistbands even …