Author: Eva Green

Hello, I'm Eva Green, and I'm so happy to share my passion for food with you. I'm not really a professional chef, but cooking with fresh greens is my passion. For me, it's the perfect way to spend some time in the kitchen, gathering all the ingredients together to create something unique and tasty. Cooking for me is an opportunity to express myself creatively, but most of all is a relaxing activity that makes me feel good! I love preparing different dishes using only organic ingredients (where possible) and letting my creative juices flow freely. That's why I love experimenting with new recipes and flavors. I think it's essential to know what you eat and where it comes from.

The Margherita Pizza

For a fact, pizza originated in Naples, Italy. But it is More Than Just Pizza. If you’ve ever taken a bite out of a pizza, you know that it …

Kalamay – TheQueen Of Feasts

The malayalee is the one who feasts on the Queen of feasts, the Kalamay. In the sittings of Kalamay theKalamaydrianrattles the feast for the supreme and the lesser gods, …

Popular Restaurants In Westminster – Part 3

Listed in order of price, from most to least expensive. S Bravados, Charlieiders, El recreation, Elaints,itutes, Miguel’s, Party, Shezza’s, The Friendship, El bolts,enders, Fred’s|riptown, The Mill Restaurant, The Merriment, …

Dining When In Greece

Do you have an idea of what it is like to dine out on Greek cuisine? Well, the Greeks have their best restaurants to offer you plenty of choices …