Eating out is one of my favorite things to do because I love to have fun with trying new foods. I also travel quite a bit, so eating out is often my only option for sustenance on long trips. On the road I will always stop at the local grocery store to stock up on snacks, smoothie ingredients, and water. But how boring is that do to for all three meals? I recently I’ve noticed an interesting trend in my travel diet, I’ve developed an eating habit that is exactly the same as my family’s new favorite guilty pleasure, pizza.
I am responsible for my wife’s favorite meals, so I plan our meals very carefully. We love Thai, Chinese, Italian, Persian, and any other bite-sized Ethnic foods. Last Monday we went to attempt Thai food for the first time. I ordered the Lemon Grass Chicken, and it was everything I expected it to be. The meat was well seasoned and the portions were perfect. I did not have too many questions for the delivery boy, who was awesome.
Best of all, we were able to avoid ordering the appetizer platter. This was something we had planned on ordering for our trip, so we were already in the know on what we were Normally pleased with. I still cannot believe we went and ordered appetizers like that for our dinner counterparts.!! It really is comparable to the restaurant equivalent of “dancing”
This is what we do at home. I still find it curious, why there are typically two or three meals eaten on a typical day? Is it because people eat more slowly and are more satisfied, or could it some simple reflection of the financial status of the two sides of the household? Regardless, neither of these perceptions is possible when comparing a Taco Bell to a Sam’s Club.
The often mentioned “coordinated effort” between the flavors, textures, and colors of these foods just might be the result of a Them vs. Them situation. From the Taco Bell side of things, it could berers that the customer is seeking a niche; likewise, the Taco Bell customers could be seeking a meal that is satisfying, fast, and reasonably priced. From the car culture perspective, it could be something as simple as “children-at-home” as well as the fact that parents often boundaries when it comes to the types of foods their children will eat. One thing to consider is that the food is usually non-conformable and unfamiliar. This means that it will likely be a case of immunization and quite messy.
From the Other Side
Another reason from the other side of the house could be just as simple as ” demographics”. Currently we are seeing “neurotypical” characteristics everywhere. For example, on the television, sports events, and music video, there seems to be a greater incidence of “kids-at-heart” and please Mom. Add to this the increasingly boiler plate content of so many current videos and it is easy to see why there is a growing trend toward more and more color, more and more meat, more and more drinks. So many things can go with a single pot of soup!
The world as we know it today is fast becoming the blender central to our lives. People get their news and information from YouTube, online newspapers, blogs, and Twitter. As for me,lucknow I mostly just make soup and other things with blender, and occasionally I’ll make a salad too. But it looks like the time has come for us to re-engineer the blender. I mean it needs to be fast, needs to be very inexpensive, and needs to be easy to use and clean. I think we might be close to a couple of solutions to these issues.
First, I would like to propose a major reconception change. This is something within the science curriculum that deals with the way additives and food processing technologies affect us. It is called the critique of modern processing techniques and their residues on the human body. As an aside, I would like to make a personal note about my own technique. For years, I only used a blender for smoothies and shakes. That’s not to say that blenders are bad, but I separately use a regular blender for raw living juices and smoothies.
As a side note, I will sometimes use raw living juices, smoothies, and smoothies. What’s interesting about this recent change in my own personal lifestyle is that I never gave much thought to any of this before. However, tasting a smoothie for the first time, I was hooked. I never knew about the power of blending, until I tasted my own creation.
After years of Using my blender, I have found that it does take some getting used to when using a smoothie maker. However, once you get the hang of it, it is a great addition to my daily beauty routine.