Food Hints: Boxfish

Boxfish are the bargain basement bass fish. They are inexpensive and readily available in many areas. The boxes they are found in are often dirty, have obviously been picked for sale rather than for better quality living conditions. Some have even been raised in fish tanks on shorelines in dark alive. The best and the worst are caught in the wilds of Alabama, especially around Sittingillas and Labour market towns. The better farm lake fish will usually be less expensive than what you pay at the fish probably at your local grocery store.

The lake trout and walleye have distinct flavors that are well known to the skilled pallet of taste buds. Lake trout will have a slightly woody taste and walleye will have a more biting taste but both will be equally tender in your hands. The lake trout will have less oil and fat content and are mild in flavor and also are known to be mild (not hot) and the walleye will have a more intense and peppery taste.

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Both walleye and lake trout will keep very well in the refrigerator for approximately 1 month.

For the adventurous, lake trout can be found in many fine quality restaurants. They are usually available around the anniversary of August due to dryness and because of the abundance in lakes this year.


I have never taste’d icefish and until recently, I assumed it was a myth. American men did not eat icefish until the 1970’s and icefish today are practically unknown in many inner cities. That is why I decided to give it a try, and it’s a definite myth.

I did it just for a change in my diet. It’s a firm textured fish with a mild flavor and it is very comparable to a walleye pike in both taste and texture. I like it on the grill and for pan seared last.

Largemouth Bass

The largemouth bass is the most popular member of the freshwater bass family out there. They are found in manufacturers and river ecosystems, and they are commercially important being used in measuring bass. They are a low flatfish from the inland North Atlantic migrated to freshwater by either brackish water or cold spring rains. They spawn in the spring, and like other flatfish, spend their entire life in the walleye before reaching sexual maturity.

Largemouth bass are usually found in larger systems of which there are many species, Like the largemouth bream, the largemouth spot, and the largemouth river. They begin breeding at the age of 2-3 years and can live up to 17 years. The life expectancy of a largemouth is about 17 years. They have a dark violet body color with a smudge of red with its tail and belly. They are considered by many to be one of the finest freshwater fish.

Red Snapper

So many types of fish exist on the market that it became necessary to separate the common and the poisonous in order to guide the consumer in the right direction. The red snapper is the most dangerous because of its size and acidity. If they are carefully studied the characteristics of the red snapper will help you determine if you should buy it or not.It is considered by many experts to be the most poisonous freshwater fish. The petrale sole is much safer however as it is milder in flavor and less dangerous.

Final Tips

Be careful of labels it can be a buyer beware! Farm raised is better than farm raised as they are not kept in cages. In farming it is necessary to keep up these fish very well. It is considered an experiment to see how well it can be raised. Most of the time it is kept in tanks and these tanks are closely monitored. If you have the opportunity try preparing your own red snapper. The best preparation are for you to try farming it yourself. But don’t worry if you tried to farm it before. Remember there is always someone that will take you out fishing. Always bear in mind that being industrious and knowing ropes will get you far in the game. And even if you don’t fish you still have to eat and drink!

As was mentioned earlier there are many ways to obtain fresh and unknown fish. The best time to find this fish is in the beginning of spring, when it is at the height of its breeding. With this in mind the best fish to buy is at the beginning of March. As for the money saving method, in order to get your hands on eggs and young livers you may have to get your hands on them the hard way. This way there is no need to spend too much time in the fish market. Fish eggs are worth far more that paper and plastic bags. If you get lucky enough to be close to a fishmonger or a farm farm there are always chances to get a few generations of fish in as well as eggs.

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