Is There A Pill I Can Take To Lose Weight That’s Safe And Effective?

There are dozens of weight loss pills on the market today with a few being very popular while many being dangerous and ineffective. The multi-billion dollar weight loss industry relies on the public being confused and fashioned an appetite suppressant and a fat binder such as Alli only to sell a potentially unsafe supplement. There is a safe market for a health supplement that can aid the weight loss process and there are a lot of those products on the market today. But how can you tell if a pill is safe or not?

What Is A Pill?

several glasses of cocktails

A pill is a tablet containing an inactive pharmaceutical chemical substance in one or more essential nutrients. For example, a weight loss pill may be a thermogenic agent and is believed to speed the metabolism and accelerate weight loss, or a starch blocker that binds to starch and prevents as much of it from being digested so that it is passed out of the body.

There are weight loss pills that focus on one nutrition type: fat or carbohydrate. Some pills may focus primarily on protein intake. Diet pills that are sold under a prescription from a licensed physician may contain ingredients to inhibit fats from being absorbed. Other diet pills have no prescription and sell over the counter without having to go through the prescription stage.

There are two major categories when it comes to diet pills. They are known as chemical or herbal based.

The chemical based diet pills can be obtained without prescription. They have no pesky with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The older chemical pills had to be approved by the FDA due to a link between the drug and some potentially life threatening side effects. Ephedra or Ephedrine were common examples of drugs that had to be off the market owing to dangerous side effects such as high blood pressure or even cardiac arrhythmia.

Herbal based diet pills areOil based and come under the dietary supplements group. The main active ingredients are usually derived from plant extracts and herbs that act as stimulants to suppress the appetite and/or increase the body’s metabolic rate. These are also classed as dietary supplements.

Do They Work?

Some weight loss pills, particularly those containing ephedra, may contain stimulants that claim to raise the body’s metabolic. In the short term, this may result in an increased heart rate, metabolism or both. Studies have found that people, if they reduce their intake of dietary fat, may lose up to 10 pounds over the course of a year. Reports of strokes, heart attacks and other cardiovascular problems have also been linked to the use of foods that contain ephedra.

Research into the properties of these dietary pills is ongoing. At present, all the evidence suggests that the effect is Kilopulously increases physical activity and activity of the body. Studies have also shown that some fat burners have been shown to help individuals lose more weight than they’d lose naturally.

The safety of the drugs isn’t clear at this time. The ingredients of many diet pills can interfere with one another in the body, creating an environment for complications to take shape. The effectiveness of the products isn’t clear or proved. When large amounts of weight loss pills with pre-existing side effects are used, the patient can suffer serious side effects. Before investing in weight loss pills, it is advisable to seek your doctor’s advice.

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