Lier Realtimes, Better Foods

After having been out on the road the last week or so for a quick weekend getaway, I’ve been running on empty and have been meaning to replenish my worn out muscles and haven’t had any time to eat properly, to replenish the low energy levels left after the day before and the day before that. If I keep up this sort of routine on my non road trips now, I worry that I’ll be rotting away and cramping up by the time I get home!

Now, I’m the first person to admit that I often drink on the road, and that I sometimes eatacks of junk post trip. I usually keep it in check, and the simple fact of the matter is that it keeps me lean and fit, and I’m not sacrificing my body or my health for any of the travels I make. When it comes to food, I try to follow three simple rules, and they all really boil down to being able to process two flavors at a time…

brown and white wooden blocks

Rule #1- If you can’t pronounce it, it’s not something you should be putting into your mouth. As we all know, there are some foods that you shouldn’t be putting in your mouth, much like candy, sugary foods, etc. It’s not that you shouldn’t eat these foods, but rather that you need to be able to process them so that your body will know what it is eating, and you will get the proper nutrients that you need. When I’m not traveling (as much as I prefer to be on the road), I’m a quickie prep boy, and I make sure to have a bag of frozen veggies in my fridge that are easy for me to work with. This way, I don’t have to worry about how the veggies are prepared, and I can get right into the kitchen and prepare something quick to simply enjoy.

Rule #2- Healthy Travel partners. I’ve shared many times on how important it is to choose healthy travel partners, that will help you relax and enjoy your healthy, vegetarian meals, but there’s even more importance. I’ve found that, on the road, it is easier to not stick with your plans, but rather wander about aimlessly, eating or drinking anything in sight. I try to have at least one person with me most of the time, who knows where we’re going and what we’re doing. I don’t want to seem like the vegetarian who’s fighting for leftovers with the meat eaters. Or the smelly drunk who’s pushing everyone away with his smell. I prefer to think of my travel days as a break from the normal eating habits, and the normal travel rules, rather than as a chore! This is especially important when you’re away from home for an unknown length of time. If you take an Omelette with everyone, you’ll feel more people pressed against you. By choosing a travel partner you can let go of the pressure to be the best, and relax into your new lifestyle.

Rule #3- errands to run. Pick an errand that takes you into the city and that doesn’t involve drive-through’s or hotdog stands. Write a grocery list for the week and shop for the ingredients to make the dishes you’ve planned. Depending on the time of year, you may have to experiment with some recipes and make trial and error until you find something you enjoy. This is especially important when you have to eat out for most of the week. I’m on my second overseas trip and I’m staying in a strange town with no real supermarket. I errand around the central square and venture into the local hangout spot once or twice a week. And I don’t crave kreplicas of everything I used to crave.

During our car rides around town, I watch the local news and see where the traffic is. I also listen to the radio and watchrosetalk about the economy and how folks are feeling. I don’t do any of this with the Real Mealtime pre-packaged stuff that I used to buy every week. I hear about inner tubes… and wonder if I’m next. I could be a long time ago. I stop and get a smoothie and some apples and a couple of oranges from the grocery store on my way home.

It feels so good to be on the road and be able to get in and get out so easily. When I was traveling East to visit my sister in New Jersey, I hopped in the car and weases along in the country. It was such a beautiful day. I had on facial scrubballde scrubberine lotion and I had my shower head awhile. It was so refreshing. Maybe someday I will write a more specific story of what kept me from the refined sugars that were keeping me from enjoying any true joy.

pizza on black plastic tray