Did you know that green tea could potentially be one of the healthiest drinks you could ever drink? It has been classified as a healing beverage by traditional Chinese medicine, and it has been used for over 4000 years. The Chinese so drink green tea because it is regarded as a good medicine. Its Cantonese production is the second largest in the world, next to China.
In 2002, at the 104th General Meeting of the Parties to the United Nations, the scientists concluded that green tea contains rich polyphenols, and more than 2000mg of catechinol was found in a normal cup of green tea.
More than just antioxidants, green tea contains polyphenols that support a healthy immune system, and provide more thaniding assistance for the heart, and brain. These important ingredients are found in only one tea item in the world, Invigoration Green Tea, and none other than pure black tea.
The tea helps in proper digestion,aseslflavin(vitamin B2)which is an antioxidant, anddepends on nothing else to function properly.
Black Tea in coordination with Invigoration can strengthen the immune system, prevent certain cancers, and lowers the risks of heart disease and stroke.
prove that green tea has several incredible benefits such as preventing cancer, raising the good cholesterol levels, and lower the “bad” cholesterol levels. It also caffeine free and therefore good for those who suffer from headaches.
One of the greatest benefits of green tea is that since cancer gets its strength from your immune system, thus green tea consumption has potentially amazing health benefits for those who are suffering from cancer.
Cancer fighting properties of green tea has been a widely known fact for several years now. Many studies have found that green tea reduces the characteristics of cancer cells. This boosted the immune system of the drinkers, which resulted in lower incidences of cancer.
Another study more specifically investigate the cancer-fighting properties of Ready-To- Drink Gourmet Coffee Tablets. This research studied the Ravaler system of Gourmet coffee Tablets, which offers a targeted combination of anticancer, antifungal and antioxidant protection.
What the study found was that the combination of Gourmet coffee tablets and an exclusive blend of fair trade coffee beans provided a significant boost in the level of anticancer Components after 42 days of drinking.
More than just coffee
Although Gourmet food is often sold at more affordable prices, you may not realize that there are many different types of Gourmet food, such as cheese, cacao butter, tea, jams, sauces, curry powders, mocktails, ice creams etc.
Perhaps you have heard of some of these products, but are too embarrassed to try them, or you never have the heart to try them because you are not sure of what these products actually are.
Perhaps you have tried to use products such as halves and whole pieces of sushi, but are too embarrassed by the “gourmet” nature of the name, or perhaps you have tried to use them in the name of a gourmet recipe and failed.
Because many of these companies are in Canada, USA and now UK, we are now seeing the introduction of these sweet names into our everyday menu.
But not with canapan and octopus and eggplant parmigiana, my dear. We now haveagoji and sweet baby corn porridge (stand up and take notice, Canadians love their food).
I can see some of you Modenaers scratching your heads, as you probably haven’t encountered these assets before. I admit I am terrible at describing gourmet recipes to my friends, as I somehow end up mentioning cheese and then everything else.
So allow me to draw a conclusion from these two articles:
1)Gourmet food is not necessarily expensive, but you have to take the time to consider the unique ingredients and create a truly appreciative and respectful attitude towards it;
2) Once you have the basic knowledge and love of a gourmet dish, and then use this knowledge to enjoy time with your family, tell your friends, tell everyone you know, tell everyone you know that you have always wanted to try this amazing dish… but never had the chance because you were too busy.
I feel very passionately that both these statements are correct.
We are all aware of the high price of food, gas, everyday living and “the squeeze” (that is the way it is with most of us). And yet we also know how desperately we want to find more time for our family, more time for our friends, more time for ourselves.
And we have found one way to make it more affordable, we have discovered the secret of happiness.