Vitamin E – What, Why, And How To Include It In Your Diet

We hear and read all kinds of things about Vitamin E being an excellent antioxidant. Antioxidants are said to help prevent certain cancers and, in general, be good for our health. But what does this really mean? And, where does Vitamin E come into the picture?

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that is essential for good health. Some call it the “Factor XRI in the Cell,” due to its role in a variety of important cell functions.

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Vitamin E is found in plant oils, leafy green vegetables, like spinach, kiwi, and broccoli, wheat germ, almonds, and sunflower seeds. The best sources, however, are wheat, spinach, and kiwi. It is also present in meat, fish, eggs, grains, and dairy. Although it is considered a water-soluble vitamin, it is actually lost during the cooking process.

The main function of Vitamin E is to be an antioxidant.Normally, when an oxygen molecule loses an electron in its outer ring, it becomes a free radical. These free radicals then steal an electron from somewhere else, and so on, destroying a number of molecules in the process. Because Vitamin E can convert free radicals to other less harmful forms that are able to be neutralized, it is truly an effective antioxidant.

Research has shown that Vitamin E may have the potential to delay premature aging, and reduce the risk of certain cancers and heart disease as we age. It may also play a part in preventing age-related conditions such as cataracts and varicose veins.

For all these impressive health benefits, however, Vitamin E is still only a small part of the total picture. There are a number of very potent compounds in vegetables and whole grains.

Proper diet for the development of adequate Vitamin E required a diet rich in green leafy vegetables, broccoli, and citrus fruits. Imbalanced diets, high stress, and hectic lifestyles are the real sources of Vitamin E toxicity. Other risk factors for poor vitamin E status include smoking and use of alcohol, and a sedentary lifestyle.

An interesting aspect of the vitamin was found in investigation by the University of Illinois Medical Center to determine the genetic influences on white blood cell generation. Asurtaining the genetic influences on these cell generation, the medical center headed by specialists in the field of immunology and cell biology were able to isolate the specific gene responsible for the white blood cell generation. Although there is no treatment available for this deficiency at this time, Vitamin E supplements are being considered as an option for this problem.

On a final note, Vitamin E is not only considered to be a good antioxidant, but also for alleviating exercise-induced fatigue. It is important to keep in mind that the vitamin is destroyed by heat, light, and air, and can be powdered by cooking.

The good news is that Vitamin E can be found in a number of excellent vitamin sources. A good vitamin E supplement source is almonds, vegetable oils, and pastured eggs. And if you want the health benefits of Vitamin E but don’t like the taste of almonds, you can always buy Vitamin E in the form of Smart Sugars.

Due to the increasing demand of vegetable oil and almonds for using Vitamin E as a supplement, many companies have taken advantage of the knowledge of how Vitamin E is derived. by extracting the Vitamin E in its complete form. Supplements of this Vitamin E are available in a wide range of supplements, which are convenient to use and affect all major organs and bodily functions.

It is for the reason that Vitamin E is used in a number of important applications, including the development of cartilage, ligaments, muscles, and bones. Its properties are suited for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. Although it can be used by everyone, due to the fact that Vitamin E is a water-soluble vitamin it is wise to take Vitamin E supplements only if required by your body.

In all, Vitamin E is a vital nutrient for good health. It benefits the immune system, keeping us safe from different types of diseases. Research has also shown that Vitamin E keeps our skin healthy and glowing. So, there are a lot of benefits to knowing what is Vitamin E. Whenever you are on the go, Vitamin E is sure to be an important addition to your medication and food storage.

Simple and Complex are the 2 halves of ‘Simple’. As they both play a major role in preserving the health of our cells and skin, they are both required for a healthy body. Almonds are a great source of both Simple and Complex. Hence, they should be consumed regularly and ideally in the morning so that cell formation during the day can continue. At the same time, you should make sure that you are not over indulging in nuts.

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