Why Eat Organic Food? – 3 Reasons

Why Eat Organic Food: Reason #1: No Pesticides

It is important to actually think about what a pesticide is designed to do: kill insects and pests. When you eat foods that are treated with a chemical designed to exterminate smaller living organisms, you are literally eating foods that are laced with minor doses of poison. The consequences of consuming chemically treated food over an entire lifetime can lead to serious health problems.

three ice cream cone on ice cream stand

Why Eat Organic: Reason #2: Environmentally friendly

The chemicals that are used in treating pests and treating crops are environmentally dangerous. They build up in the environment, and accumulate in the ground. The land contains water soluble substances that act as a natural fertilizer. The animals that live on the land begin to feed off the organic matter which as they are weakened from all the chemically treated material, are prone to disease and loss of vitality.

The animals that aren’t fed also have a much higher susceptibility to disease. A student who worked in an animal shelter on a island program in Lanka found that there was an 80% failure rate in children that were assignment tested for a type of medication called digoxin, in contrast to the standard 80% found in the rest of the world. The descendants of these animals are found to be unusually resistant to seizures and other symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.

Another important benefit of eating organic food is a commitment to reduce pollution. The harmful effects of chlorine, which is used in treating crops, and other such contaminants are concentrated in the tissues of the animals that are eaten. Remove them from our bodies and the pollution will one day go away.

The benefits of organic food are many. Thus we are able to consume the clean meats and vegetables that have been grown organically, and is truly more nutritious than chemically treated foods. It is more in line with the traditional French healing methods and approach.

The food diet is also very important to traditional methods of herbal medicine. Many herbs and spices that are used in the culture can be considered natural cures all for various physical and mental health conditions. Today, it is also becoming more popular to experiment with herbs in order to alter one’s physical and mental state.

It is a Personal Choice

It is a choice. It is a choice for how you want to live your life, and it is a choice that should be based on your values. Do you want to live life with health care, or do you want to be able to enjoy life and not worry about your well-being? Be sure that you support your own body and your own decisions.

If you are looking for healthier foods to include in your diet, you should look at replacing meats and carbs with beans and nuts. There are also various types of organic meats that are available. These meats are humanely raised and they are free from hormones and antibiotics.

You’ll also love them since they taste great. It’s a personal choice to buy these or not, but you can base your decision on the fact that over 50% of all antibiotics sold every year are used in animal production. They are also used to treat conditions and promote growth. Studies have shown that they are indeed very good for your health as well as for the environment.

One good reason to eat organic foods is to support smaller local farms. You support the environment and you support small businesses. Becoming involved with a nonprofit organization is another great way to lend support to your local community.

Most farmers and organic food companies are small businesses that have created their own standards and are not easily compared to giant agribusinesses. Getting involved with a local community gives you the opportunity to directly support farms and staging your own farm for yourself.

In addition, you provide raw materials to your local community. Small businesses will supply the means and knowledge to create a thriving local economy. By supporting one local farmer, you are providing a means and knowledge for economic growth and community connection.

Last but not least, you support a cause. Organic foods are an important part of a balanced diet. While you may not agree with the nutritional value of organic foods, you can bet that they are well worth the fight.

The decision to buy organic foods is an easy one. Shopping locally for fresh foods is one way to support a cause. While you are at it, support a regional organic farm and endeavor to eat organic the next few years.

four square pastries with icing and blueberry on top