Hello, I'm Eva Green, and I'm so happy to share my passion for food with you. I'm not really a professional chef, but cooking with fresh greens is my passion. For me, it's the perfect way to spend some time in the kitchen, gathering all the ingredients together to create something unique and tasty. Cooking for me is an opportunity to express myself creatively, but most of all is a relaxing activity that makes me feel good!
I love preparing different dishes using only organic ingredients (where possible) and letting my creative juices flow freely. That's why I love experimenting with new recipes and flavors. I think it's essential to know what you eat and where it comes from.
The Sizzle That Built a City The line outside Busy Bee Café starts early. Steam drifts from paper bags as customers shuffle forward, placing orders in the same clipped …
The Bite That Stops Time The streetlights hum. A car idles at the curb. A man in a hoodie leans against the wall outside Love & Honey Fried Chicken, …
The Sizzle That Stops Traffic: Boston’s Fried Chicken Obsession The line moves slowly, but nobody cares. A kid in a Celtics hoodie watches through the counter window, tracking every …
The Fried Chicken That Stops Conversations The first bite demands silence. Crisp batter shatters between your teeth, a split-second pause before the heat kicks in—garlic, cayenne, black pepper. The …
Crispy, Spicy, Legendary: Nashville’s Fried Chicken Obsession The line outside stretches down the block, past a flickering neon sign that hums against the Tennessee night. Someone cracks open a …
Charlotte’s Fried Chicken Rivalries: Where Crispy Meets Crave-Worthy The line starts forming before the doors even open. People shift from foot to foot, checking their phones, stealing glances at …
A City That Fries With Soul The air smells of pepper and hot grease. On a corner in the Treme, a line stretches past a narrow doorway, moving slowly, …
The Glass on the Counter The juicer kicks on before the sun.It’s still dark outside, and Mara hasn’t said a word—not to her husband, not to the kids getting …
The Sizzle Before the Bite The air is thick with smoke and the sharp scent of charred fat. A row of sausages hisses over the grill, their skins tightening, …
As a true wine lover, I do not just love to drink it. I love the process of winemaking, I love the decisions a vintner makes to perfectly blend …
“Three nickels will get you on the subway, but garlic will get you a seat.” ~Old New York saying. Have you ever been curious about why garlic smells the …
Have you ever noticed how much people exercise, watch what they eat and how much they eat? They try and will go to the extreme of what is healthy …