How To Get Rid Of Your Lower Abdominal

1. breath comfortably, exhale, and as you exhale Close your mouth and allow a long, deep breath to enter.  With your stomach empty, let the air out slowly through the nose and out the mouth for five seconds.  Open your mouth and let the air out gently through the mouth for five seconds.

2.  Sit down on the floor with your hands on the previously mentioned side of your head, and with your knees bent toward your chest.  You are to let your body straight from your knees into a sitting position.  As you are about to sit down, you must squeeze your buttock toward your spine and hold it for a moment.  Begin to roll your spine forward, toward the floor, until you have a flat, straight stomach.

sliced orange fruit on brown wooden tray

3.  Aside from standard abdominal crunches, consider the following…

4.  Make a round of your abdomen, from your belly button to your tailbone, and twist from your hips with your knees slightly bent.  Allow the ball of your foot to be on the ground.  Now that you have a semi-round or slightly flat lower abdomen, repeat the process with the other leg.  Continue until your both the left and right sides of your abdomen are fully straightened and rounded.  Contract your abdominal muscles to support your lower back.  Return to your sit-on-the-baset stance and maintain eye contact with your feet.

5.  Inhale as deeply as possible and allow your breath to take out all of the air in your lungs.  Exhale slowly and totally through your mouth.  Allow your abdomen to flatten and the bread bit, while allowing your breath to take out all of the air in your lungs.  Hold your breath for 3-4 seconds before fully expelling your air through your mouth and lungs.  Avoid holding your breath longer than 3-4 seconds.  Allow your body to return to its normal butterflies.

6.  Select an exercise such as floor crunches or sit-ups that will help to condition your lower abdomen.  Lie on your back with your knees bent more than hip width apart.  Place your hands on your sides with palms down, and with your fingers interlaced behind your knees, curl your knees up.  As you begin to move your legs in a 45 degree angle, curl your knees back toward your hips until they are just off of the floor in front of you.  Hold in this position as long as you can.  Once you have completed just a few repetitions, return to the floor without going back to your sit-on-the-baset stance.

7.  Repeat the exercise performed above in reverse order.  Begin with any exercise that helps condition the lower abdomen, such as abdominal crunches, in reverse order so that you do not utilize your hip flexors.

8.  Repeat this exercise three to five times, using to total more reps than the number of reps in any one of the three sets of exercises just previously mentioned.  This will help condition your lower abdominals.

9.  To help emphasize the development of your lower abdominals, try raising your opposite elbow to touch the opposite knee each time you reach for an exercise.

10.  Lay face down on the mat with your palms below your hips, and your knees bent over your chest.  Begin with your upper torso and hips in a comfortable position, and use your lower abdomen to lift your upper body just a few inches off of the floor.  Quickly repeat this upward movement in the normal, natural movement that uses the lower abdomen.

These exercises promise to help you Develop and tone your lower abdominal muscles.
