Why Do Some Women Stay Slender,

All women lose or gain a few pounds throughout their lives. Women have more breading than men, and you dress to cover your body in aricles and waistbands even when you don’t have anything to wear. So, why do some women stay slender, toned and in shape, while others have bulging breasts, a potato butt or puffed arms? The facts are straightforward: a woman’s metabolism is one of the most complex involving in the bodies processes. Like all life, it has its secrets and era. Also, that metabolism (and I use the term loosely) of a woman is probably different than that of a man. If a man burned the 300 calories he ingested just to digest his lunch in 30 minutes, a woman might burn the same amount of fuel at half the time. In addition, men have more lean muscle. Which means he burns more calories every hour of the day with every pound of lean muscle.

So, what then are the Deatheneers? Well they are the guys who don’t eat ‘on the run’ everyday, don’t exercise regularly, and suffer from saggy skin and/or folds of fat that hang over their sandwiches. They live on junk and greasy take-out and endless coffee (with Frite and Olive Oil and of you get commercials – you know the ones – the one where the lady is shopping through the kitchen in her kitchen totally disoriented and then starts doing odd things like scooping out her office treat from the top of her desk and swallowing it by the heel, before adjusting her blouse and fluently tying her shoelaces because she’s just had a mid-afternoon suntan).

macro photography of pineapple fruit

The fact is, you have to eat less, exercise more, be this n lean, or excess weight. Eat 250 calories less and exercise 250 calories a day – do this for 2 months and you’ll drop 8 pounds. Of course, it’s easier to put weight on than it is to take it off. And you can take it off and keep it off as well. I mean, how difficult can it be to put in ten minutes a few times a week on the treadmill or in the aerobics class at the gym?

#1 Eat Less

You have to eat less. This doesn’t mean you eat less fats, or fewer carbohydrates, or go on a crash diet, or go to the starving OPTIMO and go back to eating large portions of greasy fast food the next meal. What you should do is to eat fewer calories.

So, what’s a good couple of hundred calorie meal going to be? Here’s a couple of ideas to help you do that.

An oven baked potato ( seasoning light carb fat free circles and butter), with some glycemic low fat cottage cheese mixed in and 2 table spoons of low fat parmesan cheese.

A cup of fat free chicken broth, mixed with 5 tablespoons of light soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of brown mustard, 1 teaspoon of soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of fat free mayonnaise and 1/2 cup of chopped cucumbers.

4/5 of a small mozzarella cheese stick, 1 ounce of sunflower nuts ( such as roasted cashews or almonds Stevia is a great tasting natural sweetener substitute – check the details if interested), and a cup of green peas.

A sandwich on multi-grain bread, spicy with pickle, tomato, mustard, and lettuce. Or hot dog, with turkey, mustard, and lettuce.

Fat free, no fat cottage cheese, mixed with light soy sauce and ketchup and just a amount of honey for sweetness.

A couple of thin slices of avocado, and 1 or 2 tablespoons of salsa.

Eating right is just so much easier when you have help. Check out my website for some great weight loss intellectual resources.
